Thursday, February 25, 2010

Religion and Art

The Prophet starts out talking about the movie he is watching. He talks about the move being 'Art'. He also talks about Bible Girl and Bible Man and the mask and cape he bought from the store. He shops at Mardel which is a Christian store. He then talks about finding all this baby stuff but does not mention that he is wearing a baby bib. He is also very itchy in this video. Enjoy the long rant from the Prophet.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Moving Day?

Not much to say today. Just wanted to share the video of the Prophet carrying a huge box full of stuff. Check out the size of that box!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

New World Order

Here the Prophet volunteers to be a New World Order Gladiator as long as he is paid. He talkd briefly about the religious right that are moral dwarves. Notice when the visiting Mormons walk by at about :38, the Prophet yells, "I've got it, let's call ourselves Morons!" I wish I had gotten the Mormon's facial expressions.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Doctors in Oklahoma

Have you ever been at the doctor's office, in Oklahoma, and thought, "why is my doctor foreign?" Here today, the Prophet gives the explanation on why you are seeing a foreign doctor and not a native one.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

New Hat Day!!

The Prophet is wearing a new hat he has assembled in this video. He has an orange hunters hat with ear flaps, covered by a yellow crocheted hat with a snowflake he drew on a piece of paper taped to the front with a red and green striped horn and topped off with pieces of mistletoe all over.
He began this rant singing Ramstein to me and then went on to explain that names matter. He also produces his Bible Man cape and puts it on. This is a rare outside appearance for the Prophet.

Monday, February 15, 2010

The Oklahoma Spanish Inquisition

Here the Prophet speaks of the Spanish Inquisition. He talks about how "Okies" would like a Spanish Inquisition. The cup he is holding is not a drink, it is actually a mug full of rocks and random items.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Not just regular dumpster diving!

Here is a good video from the Prophet. It is kind of all over the place, but he has some great insight. He talks about David Koresh drawing God's space ship (I didn't know he had one) and then talks about advanced dumpster diving. Think about it, advanced dumpster diving. Just watch and learn my little congregation. The Prophet speaks!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Introducing El Toro and a sign language lesson

Today the Prophet introduces you to El Toro. El Toro is a finger puppet that we will meet again. In this clip, the Prophet seems confused sometimes. He starts to leave and then comes back to finish talking. Then at the end, he just walks off. The sign language lesson is great. Be sure to catch the many meanings of the hook'em horns sign. It's Rocket Science!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Funny to serious

He starts this rant off with jovial with laughter and then about 1 min in he decides to get serious.

It just speaks for itself.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Keeping People from Work

Short clip today. Here is a favorite as he says it is not right to keep people from their work.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

MicroChips and Cushy Jobs

The Prophet has just taken notice of our newish policy of having logins on our computers. He came up ranting about us dogging him and taking away his anonymity. Funny thing about this, the Prophet has never used our computers for anything. He always watches movies. He then talks about not getting paid for his idea for microchips and how he doesn't want to work at a hard job. He thinks my job is pretty cushy and wants my job. If he only knew.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Laura Ingles Wilder

I just looked at TMZ and they had a "Guess What They Look Like Now" photo of the lady who was on Little House on the Prairie. She has apparently written a memoir. I have not read it but we did have a display of books out one day and the Prophet picked up a book with Laura Ingles Wilder on it. is today's ramble.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Inglorious Bastards

Here is the Prophet rambling again. In this ramble, he actually quotes the movie Inglorious Bastards. It makes one wonder, where did he see this movie to be able to quote it?
Oh well. Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Don't Vote

In honor of the special election in Massachusets today, the Prophet discusses voting. Well, actually he discusses not voting because it doesn't matter. We do not condone the message of not voting.

Monday, January 11, 2010

45th Infantry Museum

Here is a ramble about the 45th Infantry Museum. I am not sure if the Prophet was in the military, but I would not doubt if he did serve. I do, however, want to see his Obelisk and Shoes.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

It's cold outside

When the temp starts to drop, I think about the Prophet and where he might be. It is freezing outside and I just hope he has a warm place to stay.

Here is to the Prophet having somewhere safe to sleep.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Six degrees of separation: April 18th to Lucille Ball

If you think about it long enough, can you connect the date April 18th to Lucille Ball? How about JFK to Diving Helmets? How about Hiroshima to Mitsubishi Heros? Here the Prophet makes the connection for those of you who can't. The Prophet is the only one who knows the links in the chain and will cop to knowing it. Unfortunately, the Prophet thinks it does no good. If only the Prophet knew that his knowledge is doing us all good. That is why they have an obelisk and his shoes at the 45th Infantry Museum (that is a teaser for the next post).

Monday, January 4, 2010

What's in the bag?

The Prophet came in and decided I needed to know what was in his plastic bag. He has some star where he says it was his idea. A lot of things are the Prophet's ideas and he usually wants to get paid for them. So watch and learn what is in the bag.

Friday, January 1, 2010

What is in his pocket?

The Prophet seems to have the deepest pockets of any human I have met. He has decided in this post to empty one, yes one pocket. All the miscellaney laid out on the counter is from his one pocket. What he doesn't show but is there, are seven or eight nametags on lanyards like one would get for a conference. They are official looking and that should scare you. I needed to tell him to move his stuff to help others, but no one interrupts the Prophet.

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